Contact us

New Zealand

Steering Committee

Kennie Tsui (Chair)

Chief Executive-New Zealand Geothermal Association

Anya Seward (Secretariat)

Geothermal Geophysicist, Geothermal Research Programme lead, GNS Science, NZ

German Orozco

Earth Resources and Materials Department Manager, GNS Science, NZ

Vanessa Bennett

National Science Challenges Coordinator


Steering Committee

Graeme Beardsmore

Technical Director, Hot Dry Rocks PL, University of Melbourne

Feitz Andrew

Senior Lead, Low Carbon Geoscience, Geoscience Australia


Steering Committee


Steering Committee

Florence Begue

Clean Energy Transition Partnership lead, Swiss Federal Office of Energy

Stefano Benato

Head of Programme for Geoenergy, Swiss Federal Office of Energy

Peter Meier

CEO Geo Energy Suisse AG


Steering Committee

Lauren Boyd

Director, US Department of Energy

Bryant Jones

Executive Director, Geothermal Rising Council